HSBC - Winter Campaign

| The insight:
2020 – Marked as an important year in human being history all over the world.
The whole world had been changed the way we study, the way we work, the way we live in order to fight with COVID-19, the world keeps changing every day based on the fast-changing epidemic situation.
We can’t change what had been happened in the past; we can’t control what is going to happen in the future, but what we have learned from this year – is to treasure every single moment while we still can.

| The idea:
As the world keeps changing every single moment, what we can do is to catch every opportunity to create the best memories with our loved one, make every moment courts without planning and waiting, let’s live at the moment without regret.

  • Role Creative, Art Director
  • For HSBC
  • Date 2020
  • Type ATL / PR / Tactical

The Films - 70s each

Key Visual

Promo page


Henry Yim - Creative director
Jam Wu - Creative director
Ping-wai Wong - Senior art director
Miu Fu - Senior copywriter
Josephine Wong - Art director
Anthony Leung - Head of TV Production
Film Director: Martin Chau @ OGLE
Photographer: Kelvin Lau (The Buffacow)

Noel Yuen - Client partner, HSBC
Kenny Auieong - Planning director
Antony Lam - Account director
Jan Cheung - Account manager
Yoko Tsoi - Senior account executive